Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm tired...

 I'm tired. So I'm going to go to bed soon. But first I'm going to see how well this thing works.
From what I've observed through life, it's probably better to tell people how you feel. Despite this, most people, including myself, never bother. They simply coast through life, getting blown around by the currents of what other people do.
So yeah. I got thinking again. Sucks, doesn't it? Wish people would just tell me what they're thinking... I may be offended, but I'll try hard not to hold it against you. Much.
Oh yeah, and I changed the look of the site. What ye think?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Damn. I'm confused. Would someone please give me a detailed description of what the hell is going on?

Seriously though. Can someone please tell me what the real story is? No idea if anyone who knows what's going on will even see this. But, in the rare event that someone does, please tell me what the shit is happening. And yes, it involves my personal feelings. Now go. Tell me. Email me or something. 

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Reporting on life

Oh, hi! Looks like someone looked at my site. Possibly not though, you never know.

However, I can say that life looks to be quite happy at the momeny. Happy happy happy. In fact, on this fine evening, I've been bloody ecstatic. Frisbeeing. People. Other happy things. Yay.

Additionally, the hosting's sorted out on this site for about another six months. What does that mean for you? Oh, just a good littering of good space on the intraweb. Yay.


Monday, May 01, 2006

A news post

 So, I put some news here! Yay!
Well, life seems to be going on. Some intriguing email going on. Hooray for that.
Also, I must point out the newest addition to my links! CLICK IT. Or don't. Or something.
That's all for now.
(Edit: The top one. Not the bottom one. In fact, bottom one is gone. Ha.)