Thursday, October 19, 2006

Re-written post

I wrote this post a couple of minutes ago, but it vanished quite suddenly. How rare.

What to write about! TP, I think :o

Terry Pratchett, that is. Currently reading Night Watch, one of his discworld novels, about half way through. My second one, actually. First was Thud! - a very good book. Seems I've finally found another author to read - other than 'Clancy.

Clubbing! Went out to liquid last night. Crap music. Reasonable atmosphere. Good drinks. Maybe a little overpriced though... Pretty good evening all in all. Especially liked the Irish place we started off in - great atmosphere and good live music always helps... Oh yeah, and I played poker before that :O How interesting :O

Education :(... Math lectures are starting to get boring as hell. Reminds me of the old Mrs Robinson days. *shudder* Although at least now I can get away with doing other stuff while absorbing what little there is to learn. Like mapping out last night's dreams...

Dreams :O!!! Some weird and/or interesting dreams last night O_o... Mainly involved trying to get rid of a baby (in a pram), having someone turn into a plant and uncovering a secret government plot in a half-underground, half-demolished building. Oh yes, and the lifts were rather dangerous.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The phantom post...

I was just backing stuff up, and I found a post I'd intended to make the day I arrived on campus. Here goes...

So. I'm at uni now. Got up to Lancaster this (Sunday) morning. First impressions? People seem friendly enough. Room's pretty much what I expected, although there could be slight problems getting my PC hooked up...

Yet I digress. I am now insanely bored. Since I arrived and got everything unpacked (about 11am), I've been sitting around, being bored, doing nothing in particular. So bored, in fact, that I got my laptop out and started writing a blog entry. Sad, eh? Well I do have another reason for hooking my laptop up. Seems I can access computers of anyone nearby on this nice little network. Two so far, and I have a feeling that number will go up greatly...

(It did.)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A view and some comments

So, I've been here... One week. Here's Lancaster University, in case you didn't know. I'ma be studying Computer Science for 3 years, doing a minor in Maths. Shouldn't be a problem for me, given my background and hobbies. Despite being a lot of foreign people around, life isn't too bad here, for now, but then again the course hasn't started yet...

Oh, the picture? View out of my window. Not too bad, car park sucks though. No yellow car today either. Breakfast fried rice.

Monday, October 02, 2006



It seems I'm at uni now. I've met some people. I've had some alcohol. And hell, I can barely stand up at this point due to the last sentence. But hell, I just had quite an enjoyable night :O
Bar crawl, made it to probably half the bars on campus, but at least I survived long enough to get home. Room's small, but it does me quite well. Seems like I've got to be up by 1pm, but I'll probabl try and get up in the AM... So uh... GOOOOOOOODDNIIIIIIIIIIIGTHHHHT D: