Friday, August 11, 2006

10 Things I hate about RL

  1. Screenshots - You have to pay to take screenshots. Then you have to pay to get in-game copies of screenshots. Come on. Flawed system?
  2. Respawn points - Who designs levels with no respawn points? That's just stupid!
  3. Monthly fees - The monthly fees are just excessive. Who'd want to pay £200+ per month when you can play CoH for £8.99?
  4. Modding - Nobody released the source code to modders. Games are so much better when they get modded... Where's CT vs T? Oh wait...
  5. Horribly unbalanced - Certain classes (management) seem to build stats far easier than others D:...
  6. Lamers - Too damn many (*cough*America*cough*)
  7. Physics - They're just too damn restricting! I mean, how am I supposed to build upside down pyramids with gravity set this high?
  8. Not enough professions - What happened space exploration? It was in the beta! D:!
  9. Levelling - Levelling is just too damned slow. I spent over a year getting my PHP stat up one level...
  10. Holland.