Thursday, June 15, 2006

I call shotgun!

A firm observer of the rules of shotgun, I attempted to call shotgun on a short road trip. A lift home to be precise. However, I was thwarted by someone saying something to the effect of:
"You can't call shotgun! I can't see the car!"
At this point, I was, obviously, disheartened at the fact that I had lost my right to shotgun. Furthermore, I decided to take a good look at the rules, and discovered a passage that shows that I had shotgun rights after all:
The Line-Of-Sight Rule
In the situation of the deed being a hike or other extensive outdoor activity, you may not call Shotgun until the automobile is within your sight. This rule needs only to be used when the passengers are outside for a long time and have traveled long distances from the car, as with a day of snow skiing.
I'd have to say this is quite obviously stating that, as the "deed", specifically an exam, has been done inside, the line-of-sight rule doesn't apply. 'Nuff said.

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