Monday, November 13, 2006


I'm in a lecture. There's a guy at the front of the room and he's boring the hell out of me. Probably boring the people around me too. Very boring. At this point, I'm thankful that I've got my wireless intarweb working. that means I can actually sit here and do something. Like post to my blog. How interesting.

What to think, what to blog...

Well, erm, I haven't been drunk for a while. That sucks. And I've noticed my bank balance is getting low. And erm. Some other stuff. Too. Oh yeah, I just lost.


Anonymous said...

Get some bloddy work done, you lazy arrogant student!

Your'e letting the James cheese fan socieity down!

Anonymous said...

Drink more!
You silly trust person you!

Also woo for java irc.